Iron Mic – Angel House Orphanage Fundraiser April 7th

My friends at the Iron Mic Freestyle Session are having another fundraiser for the Angel House Orphanage. This time it’s at Genie Ultra Lounge in Itaewon on Saturday, April 7th.

Angel House helps disabled and special needs adults and children. This event is raising money for three of the kids who have recently been accepted into a school for children with special needs.

Last time they raised just over one million Korean Won. As that fundraiser was coming to a close, I wrote this piece that was featured in NEH Magazine, which gives background to how Iron Mic got its start, as well as the motivation behind what they do.

Since then, a few things have changed. The nature of jobs available to foreigners in Korea results in the transient culture which has influenced the regular lineup of contributors. That said, the idea has remained the same: Pretension free environment where anyone can sit back and listen, or choose to participate as much as you like.

The performances slated to take the stage at Genie Ultra Lounge for the fundraiser include:

In addition to the performances, there will be the open mic freestyle cypher that Iron Mic is known for, including rhyming for dollars where a small donation gets you your own personal roast from a couple talented emcees. Also, Wilfred Lee will be on hand providing his caricature drawing services.

Come give some money to a good cause.

~ by ripcitytoseoul on March 30, 2012.

2 Responses to “Iron Mic – Angel House Orphanage Fundraiser April 7th”

  1. Hey can I get a photo credit? Please ask before using my pictures.

    • The Iron Mic guys provided the photos and requested some publicity for the event. A bazilion people read the article and they raised another bazilion in Korean Won for the kids. Peter, we need to remember it’s all about the kids. I’ll take the photos down now.

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